Terms and conditions

This page and any pages it links to explains BranchedOut Studios/ terms of conditions. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions.

Who are we

We are BranchedOut Studios and we are a sole tradership. BranchedOut Studios will now be refered to as 'we', 'us' or '' for the rest of this page.


You agree to use for only lawful purposes. You must use it in a way that does not restrict, inhibit or infringe upon the rights of anyone else.

We may change or update at any time and can change or remove the content here at any time without notice.


You may use for information purposes. Some actions may have their own specific terms and conditions please ensure you read all provided information on .

Linking to us

We are happy for websites to link to us, however please be aware you must contact us for permission if you are:

  • Charging users to click on links to our site
  • Claiming your site is endorsed by us

Links from

We may provide links to related websites or services. Please be aware we do not have control of the content of any website we link to. We are not reponsible for any information you provide to websites we link to, or for any damage or loss you encounter as a result of clicking a link.

By using our website you agree that you release us from any dispute or claim that may occur from clicking a link on .

When visiting any website we advise you to check their privacy policies and terms and conditions before using or providing any information.

Using our content

The content used on our website is not for re-use. If you wish to re-use any information or content from our website you will need to contact us to obtain permission first.


We do make every effort to ensure information here is up to date. However, we do not provide any guarantee that information here will be:

  • Up to date/current
  • Secure
  • Accurate
  • Complete

We do not publish advice.

We are not liable for any damage or loss that may occur from using .


When you purchase goods or services from you agree to:

  • Agree to our terms and conditions
  • Have read our refunds, cancellation and changes to services terms and conditions


All purchases are covered by trading standards:

  • You are entitled to a refund of purchases within 14 days if you are not satisfied
  • You must be able to prove your purchase of the goods or service, this could be a sales receipt or other evidence such as a bank statement or packaging
  • We only provide refunds to the individual or entity that made the purchase
  • We only provide refunds to the payment method used in the original purchase

Cancellation of purchased services

You have the right to cancel a purchased service at any time. If you cancel a purchased service that is a subscription or has an end date then you may cancel it before that time period ends. However, if you do cancel a purchased service before it's end date before we reserve the right to refund the purchased service if it is 14 days or longer since you made the purchase.

Changes to purchased services

We make every effort to ensure we minimize any changes to services that may have been purchased. However, there may be occasions where services may change after their purchase and we reverse the right to do so. In the event that you are unhappy with the new service offered we may offer a pro-rata refund for the service at our discretion.

Requests to remove/update content

You can ask for content to be removed or updated from . We will remove or update content:

  • If it contains senstive personal data, breaches copyright laws or contains material that may be considered defamatory or obscene.
  • In order to comply with individuals rights in regards to data protection.

You must contact us to ask for content to be removed or updated. Please provide us the following:

  • The web URL containing the content
  • Your explanation as to why you are asking for it to be removed or update

We remove or update content at our discretion and will reply to let you know whether it will be removed or updated.

We may require that you provide information to confirm you have the right to make a request.

Information about your and your visits to our site

For detail on the information we may collect when you visit please read our privacy policy.

Hacking, viruses and other offences

When using the you must not try to hack or try to gain unathorised access to , the servers that are utilised by it or any computer or database connected to it. You must not try to perform a DDOS(distributed denial of service) or a denial of service attack on .

You may not attempt or introduce any virus, trojan, worm or other malicious or technologically harmful practise on .

Any attacks or malicious behaviour performed can and will be reported and shared with the relevant UK law authorities including any information relating to you.

Virus protection and your computer safety

We make effort to ensure that we do not transmit viruses or anything else that is malicious to your computer when you use . You should make sure that when you use you do not expose yourself to any potential risk. We are not responsible for any disruption, damage or loss that may affect you when you visit .


There may be specific or individual notices on relating to usage of this site.

In certain circumstances we may waive our terms and conditions, however this does not mean we may do so repeatedly or in other circumstances.

If any of these terms and conditions are found to be invalid, illegal or un-enforcable the remaining terms and conditions will still apply.

Changes to these terms and conditions

Please ensure you check these terms and conditions on a regular basis. We may update them at any time without notice.

By continuing to use you will agree to any changes after the terms and conditions have been updated.